The beautiful poster for Cannes 2013 suggests that things change if you look at them from a different perspective.
It is a well-known fact that, in Italy, change is difficult. But in these unprecedented economic times we need new answers and, in our sector, these can come from new things moving on the market, the many different subjects that compete on the same.
For this reason Cinema & Video International is working in partnership with the AGPCI, the Association of Young Independent Theatrical Producers, to create an on-line showcase of movies and documentaries proposed by producers who are members of the association. The objective: to facilitate communication between their projects and potential partners and investors.
Since this is a self-funded initiative, the Movie Market Place (as we have called it) will only stay alive and grow if it can work.
The excellent chances for its success lie in the format of the projects where, more than in the low budgets, the independence of the AGPCI producers is manifested by the transparency of the financial projects and the search for co-production partners outside Italy.
Transparency and internationality, which appear to be the identifying features of the AGPCI, are also elements
that Cinema & Video International fully recognizes in itself, and that have convinced us to make our website available for organizing and transmitting this content.
We will soon be opening the Movie Market Place on and will be announcing the event on line.
Inspired by the same philosophy as the Movie Market Place is “Smart Movies”, an initiative led by the AGPCI, this time in collaboration with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. This service – a consultancy office – will match opportunities between individual theatrical projects and entrepreneurial entities outside the sector.
We will be talking about all of this at Cannes, in the Italian Pavilion, on Tuesday May 21 st at 11.00 a.m.