
direttore Paolo Di Maira


TURIN AND PIEDMONT/Back to the Future

Change of guard at the Film Commission Torino Piemonte (FCTP) with Paolo Damilano’s appointment as the Foundation’s newpresident last May. A movie enthusiast, a businessman involved in the fields of winemaking (fourth generation at the Cantina Damilano, Barolo), mineral water (Valmora and Sparea) and the quality agri-food industry (Pastificio Defilippis), a true entrepreneur has returned to the summit of the FCTP

President, first of all, congratulations. You are a businessman involved in many sectors: what made you take on another assignment like a Film Commission?
Cinema is one of my passions so I approached it with enthusiasm. I don’t think it is an activity that will take me away from my work. On the contrary, I think that I will be able to activate audiovisual and cultural synergies with other entrepreneurs attracted by the novelty as well as a passion for show business and our region. Marco Boglione, the Film Commission’s first president, was a businessman: so this marks a return to our origins. My appointment is a small sign of change: at times of crisis the idea is to show that we can do good things even with a limited budget.

For years the FCTP has been the Film Commission that attracts the most productions to its region, and is much imitated and envied. Now other FCs are competing with you.
We can share the cake with others. However, Turin and Piedmont continue to offer excellent solutions for producers, not just because of the economic assistance but, above all, for the skills we supply, the very high level of professionalism. The FCTP continues to be on the cutting edge.
So what are your objectives? My intention is to relaunch the Film Commission.
At a time like this we need to optimize the FC’s interventions, to interpret our company in such a way that it can continue to offer excellence on a national level too. I would also like to bring more knowledge about the FC into the homes of the citizens of Piedmont, to involve them more in our activities: with visits to sets, competitions linked to the various productions…

What are your first impressions?
I have discovered that the FC is a very efficient machine and is very important due to the economic spinoff it generates in the region. I was pleasantly surprised. It demonstrates that public institutions can work and have a real, positive impact. In the meantime, I am having a first round of meetings. I have made contact with the association of documentary-makers which is an incredibly useful resource for the region. I would like to strengthen our relationship with schools: they are particularly important for increasing knowledge about our sector from an educational viewpoint.

Earlier you talked about the importance of Cannes and festivals in general: do you have any plans for the Venice and Turin Film Festivals?

We are currently defining our presence at Venice which is a less worldly and more business oriented event. With regard to Turin, I have already met with Paolo Virzì and we have dis- cussed some ideas together. He also has budget problems; but nothing sharpens invention more than a crisis. We might discover some great opportunities.

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