
direttore Paolo Di Maira


TRENTINO/Love at first sight for De Laurentiis

12 theatrical movies, 2 of which are international productions, 2 TV dramas, 5 TV programs, 6 documentaries, 1 animation: these are the productions that have received support from the Trentino Film Commission from its birth in May 2011 to the present day.
In addition to “The silent Mountain”,  the other international theatrical project is “I fratelli Neri”, directed by Xavier Koller and produced by Germany’s Enigma Films, which was filmed in Trentino last July.
“Il volto di un’altra” by Pappi Corsicato, in competition at the Rome Film Festival, was partly filmed in Trentino, whilst “Itaker”, directed by Toni Trupia starring Michele Placido (currently in post-production) was filmed entirely in the province.
Part of the movie “Un giorno devi andare” by Giorgio Diritti was filmed in Trento and the Santuario di San Romedio.
Other stories that have their roots in this territory are “ Il turno di notte lo fanno le stelle”, directed by Edoardo Ponti, screenplay by Erri De Luca, starring Nastassja Kinski, “Vino Dentro” by Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani, and the TV drama “Una buona stagione” by Gianni Lepre, with Ottavia Piccolo and Jan Sorel, both of which were filmed last October and share the same protagonist: wine.
Filming has just finished in Trento, Rovereto and the Val Canali on the next “Christmas movie” by Aurelio De Laurentiis, “Colpi di fulmine” (Love at First Sight), starring the well-known Parenti-De Sica duo.
Coming soon (currently in pre-production): “La prima neve” (The First Snow) by Andrea Segre and ”Foresta di ghiaccio” (Forest of Ice) by Claudio Noce.
With regard to De Laurentiis, it appears that the Neapolitan tycoon has declared his intention to set up a film studio in Trentino.

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