
direttore Paolo Di Maira


TRENTINO/6 Mini Pets in Trento

“Mini Pets – The four seasons” is the new animation film produced by Gruppo Alcuni.
It is the fourth animation project supported by the Trentino Film Commission’s Film Fund which is now collaborating with a big Italian name in order to incentivize sector employment and develop the animation industry in the region.
In addition to the setting inspired by Trento, a city that welcomes the big screen adventures of the six fun little animals, the region has been involved above all in the production and post production stages thanks to the use of animators and other local professionals.
The joint work between the Trentino Film Commission, Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. and Gruppo Alcuni s.r.l. has led the creation of a new Trentino company, Green Ink s.r.l, which has opened an advanced laboratory for the production of 2D and 3D cartoons hosted inside the Istituto Pavoniano Artigianelli in Trento. The company is involved in the production of cartoons, merchandising and the licenses connected to the Mini Pets copyright and this will, therefore, open important new opportunities for many companies in Trentino.

The laboratory uses professionals selected from all over Italy and students from the school who work together on realizing important theatrical and television productions linked to the world of digital cartoons.
The project, which began just one year ago, has led to the making of the film “Mini Pets – The four seasons” presented all over Italy and premiered in Trento on November 10 this year.

From a training viewpoint the experience gives a boost to an innovative model already experimented inside the Istituto Artigianelli eco-system, not only by the school but also by the Contamination Lab and by Hitwhich envisages a synergy between companies and students in the execution of real innovation and development projects.

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