
direttore Paolo Di Maira


THE PANEL/Digital, a disorderly marketplace

China, Korea, Crimea and Syria: these (ten thousand Euros each) are the only countries that do n have Netflix.
It is estimated that the American video on demand giant, that is to invest around 6 billion dollars this year in content, will reach 70 million users in the United States by the end of 2016, and 70 million users worldwide by the end of 2017.
Despite this, Netflix still has to cope with increasingly aggressive competition: from Ted Hope’s Amazon Originals, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and the new Mubi, which is about to launch in China.
The new digital players are the protagonists, along with movie theaters, of the day and date experiments that, in America, “seem to represent the new business model with some exceptional results, such as the success of “The Interview”, distributed by Sony, which has had over 40 million online viewers”, explains Linda Beath of Ideal Filmworks Italia, who moderated the panel dedicated to the digital market, The Disorderly Digital Marketplace at When East Meets West.
However these successes have alternated with some notable failures that demand a certain amount of caution.
This was the case for “Beasts of no Nation”, that Netflix purchased for double its budget (6 million dollars), counting on an Oscar nomination that never materialized: it made only 90,777 dollars at the box office”.
However the disorder mainly concerns Europe where day & date releases are still isolated experiments opposed by exhibitors and where the online viewing of movies and audiovisual content is very unbalanced in favor of northern and Atlantic countries, and where it is becoming increasingly urgent, as Beath emphasizes, for the movie industry to direct its skills and energies towards the redefinition of a market strategy.
The next European Film Forum to be held at the Berlinale on15 February could be the right opportunity to discuss this question.

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