With resources amounting to a total of € 1,350,000, last January the first public notice for supporting cinema and television productions for the year 2019 was published.
The amount is divided up as follows: € 1,100,000 for films and television dramas; € 160,000 for documentaries; € 90,000 for shorts.
The on-line call, available on the Fondazione website -ww.calabriafilmcommission.it envisages:
– a maximum contribution of 50% of the permitted expenses up to € 250,000 for feature films (including first and second works) and television series.
– a contribution of 50% up to € 50,000 for documentaries.
– a maximum contribution of 50% of the permitted expenses up to € 20,000 for shorts.
A second notice will be opened from May 17th and will be announced on the same day in Cannes, during the Festival, at a press conference to be held in the Italian Pavilion at 11 a.m.
The third “window” will be opened from September 2019 up to October 1st 2019 and, in any case, until the date on which all the relevant resources allocated have been exhausted.