After the first edition in 2017, in 2018 a new Open Call was approved to support audiovisual companies and projects that are filmed, at least partially, in Liguria.
The second Open Call envisages 2 “calls”, one which closed on January 15 2019 and another which will be open from May 30 to June 28 2019.
There are two sub-measures, one regarding development, reserved for subjects (production companies as well as associations) based in Liguria for at least 12 months. With regard to development, up to a maximum of
€ 30,000 can be distributed (for feature length movies) against documented expenses.
The production sub-measure is open to companies with registered or operational headquarters in Liguria or that commit to opening a local unit in Liguria before the date of payment of the first quota of any contribution. For production the maximum amount that can be distributed against local documented expenses is € 120,000 per project.
The Open Call, which is not very different from the recent similar instrument activated in Piedmont (and here we should underline the praiseworthy trend of standardizing the Italian regional open calls), is parametrized to local expenditure and supports short and long dramas or documentaries or animated productions, TV and web series. It is an open call with a classification to be decided that will be assigned within a brief space of time by a panel of experts.
The complete documentation for participating in the Open Call in support of audiovisual productions in Liguria can be downloaded from the FILSE website