
direttore Paolo Di Maira


THE FUND/From May 30th the Second Call

The second round for 2019 of the new Open Call in support of companies and audiovisual projects which will be filmed in Liguria will be open from May 30th to June 28th.
It should be remembered that there are two submeasures in the open call dedicated to the production of audiovisuals.
The first, dedicated to “development”, is reserved for subjects (production companies as well as associations) that have been based in Liguria for at least 12 months.
Up to a maximum of € 30,000 (for feature length movies) can be distributed for this submeasure, against documented expenses.
The second submeasure is dedicated to “production” and is open to companies that have a legal or operational base in Liguria or that undertake to open an operational unit in Liguria – even temporarily – by the payment date of the first quota of any contribution.
For production the maximum amount that can be distributed, once again against documented local expenses, is € 120,000 per project.

The Open Call is established in relation to local expenditure and supports the production of feature length and short dramas and documentaries or animations, TV series and web series. The open call is based on a ranking to be drawn up during the preliminary examination of the applications by a panel of experts.

The complete documentation for taking part in the Open Call can be downloaded from the FiLSE website

The Genova-Liguria Film Commission will present its activities, services and the new Ligurian Open Call for Audiovisuals in Cannes, in the Italian Pavilion, on Friday May 17th at 5 p.m.

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