
direttore Paolo Di Maira


TBS 2009/Eurimages announces the winners of the European co-productions award

The winners of the EURIMAGES award which is presented to two co-producers who have distinguished themselves through their successful cooperation were announced on 17th October at the Casa del Cinema, during Business Street. The winners were Diana Elbaum of Entre Chien et Loup (Belgium) and Jani Thtiltges of Samsa Film (Luxembourg).

These two producers have collaborated to make important movies by Sam Garbarski, Lucas Belvaux, Mahamat-saleh Haroun, Pierre Paul Renders, Lisa Azuelos, Marina de Van and Nathalie Borgers, Jacques Doillon, Nabil Ben Yadir, Frédéric Fonteyne, Jeanne Labrune, Flora Gomes, Amos Kollek, Wang Bing, Ben Sombogaart, Teona Mitevska, Faouzi Bensaїdi, Antonio-Pedro Vastoncelos, Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth.

Roberto Olla, Executive Director of Eurimages, commented: “This is an important award because it underlines the producers’ commitment to making quality movies.  And these are quality movies, not national box office successes, that have been circulated internationally, crossing borders.  BS is a European example of a place where co-productions are put together and that is why the award is announced here.”
Agreeing with Olla, Roberto Cicutto, Director of the Film Market, points out that “The award that Eurimages has presented to these two great producers supports BS’s commitment to creating a strong European dimension for co-productions.  It is even more significant that it was announced here in Rome, at BS”.
The award will be presented during the European Film Awards ceremony at Bochum (Germany), on Saturday 12th December 2009.

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