
direttore Paolo Di Maira


SUSTAINABILITY/Action, let’s eat!

On the occasion of Expo Milano 2015 – Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life, the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, along with the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Cineteca nazionale, is organizing “italian Film Food Stories”, a photographic exhibition that portrays contemporary italian history through the most iconic theatrical images of our national filmography linked to the theme of this edition of the Universal Exposition: food.
The exhibition, realized in collaboration with istituto Luce-Cinecittà, Roma Lazio Film Commission, Casa del Cinema (Roma), «Avvenire», TV2000 and radio inBlu and under the patronage of the Cinema Directorate-general of the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism), will be held from May 1st in the Caritas area of the Holy See Pavilion.

From Chains (1949) to Fiasco in Milan (1959), from The Leopard (1963) to Macaroni (1985), the exhibition route will cover a period of around fifty years, picking out some of the moments when cinema represented the spirit of conviviality and the sharing of food, the nourishment of human life.
The transformation of italian eating habits faithfully mirrors the great social changes our country has undergone: from the rampant poverty of the postwar era to the economic boom, to the tensions of the years of political turmoil, to the social climbing of the Eighties.

Eating habits have changed rapidly: the primary need to feed oneself in a country devastated by war has given way to a more serene representation of diet and conviviality.
The authenticity of the sacred moment of sharing at the table together has never been tarnished.
Sophia Loren, Fernandel, Claudia Cardinale, nino Manfredi, Vittorio gassman, Virna Lisi, gianni Morandi, Ugo Tognazzi, Marcello Mastroianni and the immortal Totò are just some of the protagonists of the photos, but the leading actor of the exhibition is: food.
Substance and spirit, nourishment for bodies and souls, the glue that binds together both families and society, even on film, food has been and is able to make people talk and reflect both in italy and all over the world.
And it is exactly that incitement to reflect on food and diet that is the main purpose that links “italian Film Food Stories” to Expo Milano 2015.

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