Today we have a creative group that is perfectly integrated with the spirit that pervades the studio and allows us to handle, with diligence and enthusiasm, new types of activity such as feature-length movies for the cinema circuit and the web world”, says Pietro Campedelli, doyen of Italian animation producers and founder of the studio that bears his name, the aim of which is to develop properties, acquire rights and create animation products with high potential.
“In these years” he continues, “the Studio Campedelli has changed the structure of the company in order to adapt to the new ways of exploiting content on a worldwide level and we felt that it was essential to acquire new professional skills, adding them to the historic nucleus which, in any case, remains the company’s true strength : it is a great heritage”.
The Milan studio has long believed in the expansion of the global purchasing market and, for this reason, has prepared, by capitalizing on the national and international relationships established over many years of business activities, to commit itself to a series of projects at different stages of development, in order to become a protagonist on the broader Audiovisual Law. In fact, the new regulations have created the premises for allowing people involved in animation in Italy to remove the gap with respect to the foreign co-producers who were taking advantage of public funding.
The studio’s latest productions include, “Atchoo” (52 x 11’), co-produced with Cartobaleno and Cosmos Animation with the participation of Rai Ragazzi, a series distributed in 184 countries, and “OPS!” (52 x 12’), based on a publication by Giunti Editore, coproduced with Movimenti Production and Cosmos Animation, again with Rai Ragazzi, due to be delivered by the end of 2019.
The collaboration with Giunti Editore for the production of “Topo Tip” (Tip the Mouse, 78×7’), co-produced with Studio Bozzetto, Rai and m4e, has been transformed since 2014 into a partnership, the objective of which is to take full advantage of all the opportunities that are being offered by the digital world and create across-the-board properties on all platforms.
At the same time Studio Campedelli is developing TV comedy series projects for pan- European broadcasters, two animated features for movie theaters and is experimenting with the development of new properties for Netflix and Amazon Prime