direttore Paolo Di Maira

STRATEGIES 2/The relaunch of Animation

Historically, animation is an important element of audiovisuals in Piedmont.
A large part of Italy’s animation companies come from this region: glorious names like Lanterna Magica and Lastrego & Testa Multimedia or younger companies such as Animoka and Enanimation.
The detached head office of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia dedicated to animation courses is located in Turin along with two pillars of category associationism: ASIFA Italia which represents the filmmakers and Cartoon Italia for the producers.

In addition to being a product “of repeat utility” with great potential for international exploitation, animation is also known to have a more lasting impact on the region since the projects require, on average, longer working times than other audiovisual products.

The new year will also be bringing a number of new features to this sector, which is so deeply rooted in Piedmont.

FIP is setting up a warranty “fondo di garanzia” [state financing fund] in favor of companies already resident in or which choose to move to Piedmont.
The warranty requested from the producer by the broadcaster as a guarantee of a share of the value of the production, is often an obstacle for the many companies that do not have the necessary financial solidity for the warranty to be issued by banks or insurance companies.
This is a great help for young creatives and start-ups that are thus not forced to transfer the rights to bigger, structured companies with the risk of losing control of their own projects.

“It is more an opportunity than a contribution”, points out Paolo Tenna, “an incentive for animation companies to settle down in Piedmont and a possibility, for companies in the region, to acquire several projects at the same time”.

Another important piece of news is that the next edition of Cartoons on the Bay will be held in Turin.

“For four days the most important broadcasters, the top production companies will be there: for local professionals it will be a fantastic occasion for exchange, but we want more: we want to transform “Cartoons” into an event that involves the whole city, with screenings and concerts which favor metropolitan consumers, starting with children and teenagers; and, naturally, families”.

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