
direttore Paolo Di Maira


SOVENA/Abolish the Fus Arts Fund and create an Agency

The sixtieth Venice Film Festival represents a very important milestone for Cinecittà  Luce.
Officially created last May, the public group will, in fact, be attending the Lido for the first time in a particularly critical year for the Italian movie industry which has been shaken by the controversy surrounding the cuts to the FUS (state arts fund), the apparently unsolvable crisis of city movie theaters, as well as the halt in the growth of market share.
This is a complex moment that demands a strategy “” and tactics – from the domestic movie industry, that are both new and in step with the times.

“The Venice Film Festival always inspires great optimism” emphasizes Luciano Sovena, Managing Director of Cinecittà  Luce.

Unfortunately, the structural problems of the market seem to be the same “¦

The cuts to the FUS have been overcome and over thirty million Euros are being fed into the movie industry.
It is a critical time not so much because of the cuts but because of what the FUS represents.
I believe that we should abolish the FUS and begin to properly develop the General Cinema Agency.
A minimal levy would allow the movie industry, and the arts in general, to live and not just to “survive” as happens now.

Do you think a “Target Tax” should be introduced?

Yes I do, and I think it should be accompanied by an “˜automatic levy’. Let’s see what the government thinks about it.

Would this involve subjects like Sky?

Yes, and the US majors.
It’s a bit like what Giulio Andreotti did in another critical period for Italian cinema.
Today, the situation is even worse and it is probable that this type of solution will be found soon.
Just a short time ago, tax shelters and tax credits were considered to be remote possibilities.
Today, they have both become a reality.
Anything can be done at times as complex as these when necessity becomes a virtue.

Let’s talk about the role played at this time by the regional funds “¦

Today, the regional funds have the same importance as in Germany, in the Lander, where they actively participate in the domestic film industry.
There, the presidents of the Film Commissions are people who make movies.
The same thing is starting to happen here in Italy too, and today, at least, there are fewer politicians and more audiovisual experts who are able to select products without allowing themselves to be taken for a ride by improbable, self-styled film-makers.
We are establishing close links with many regions and, I am pleased to say, it was them who came to us to develop agreements regarding the production and distribution of debut works.

Which regions?

Lazio, Piedmont, Tuscany and Campania.

Cinecittà  Luce is taking on an increasingly central role in Italian theatrical politics “¦

We have already done so, thanks to the hard work which, despite all the difficulties, has been resolutely carried out by myself and my team, to whom I am particularly grateful for the commitment they have shown.
This situation has also been helped by the fact that the presidency of the group has, finally, been entrusted to a person from the world of cinema with enormous experience and professionalism, Roberto Cicutto.

 What is the primary objective of your work?

Definitely the Cinema Agency: the establishment of Cinecittà  Luce should be seen as a step in this direction. I hope it will come about very soon indeed.

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