
direttore Paolo Di Maira


SOUTH TYROL/Young and sustainable Talents

An original project, a story filled with poetry”. This is what led Carlo Cresto Dina, producer at Tempesta Film, to choose Caterina Carone and her “Fräulein”,  the first project to come out of Racconti, the BLS script Lab, to be produced and filmed in South Tyrol.
Or, perhaps it is more correct to say that it was Carone who chose Cresto Dina, on the advice of Karl Baumgarten, a producer and distributor from South Tyrol , founder of the German Pandora (as well as Echo Film of Bolzano). “Baumi was very impressed by my story during a presenta- tion pitch organized by BLS in South Tyrol to present our projects to Italian, German and Austrian producers”, Carone reveals.
The young director’s professional journey has strong links to South Tyrol: in fact, the documentary-maker trained at the Zelig school in Bolzano.
“Fräulein” marks her debut as a feature film director, “the move to drama took place because I realized that some stories could not be told as a documentary, because they are imaginary. I wanted to tell a story about growth and learning that was actually about two adults, the story of a meeting between two different people who do not get each other at first, but who subsequently manage to help and understand each other: a woman who is completely closed towards the world, grumpy and even a bit hysterical, not by chance called “Fräulein”, which means Miss but also spinster, and a man in a state of crisis.”
Filmed for seven weeks last January and February, starring Lucia Mascino and Christian De Sica, the movie is currently being edited.

“It is a child of the South Tyrol region in every sense,” says Cresto Dina, “it talks about bilingualism and border countries and was entirely conceived, written, made and filmed in the region.”

“I wanted a place that could appear to be suspended, almost imaginary, where you can still feel a great respect for the relationship between man and nature”, confirms Carone.

A respect that was also maintained during the shooting, thanks to the application of Ecomuvi, the protocol created by Tempesta Film and already used on the sets of various movies – thirty or so actions that regard the various practices adopted on set which aim to reduce the environmental impact and lead to economic savings also in relation to the cost of applying the protocol (around 0.3% of the film’s budget). Cresto Dina, continues: “On the set of “Fräulein”, with a small effort and the help of the electricity company (Enel),we managed to ensure that around 90% of the energy used came from the grid. The zero Km cuisine was another thing greatly appreciated by the crew, in this case we used a cooperative of local restauranteurs. We also used non-polluting materials and paints, and water-bottles marked with each person’s name instead of plastic bottles Audiovisuals have to consider the environmental impact in order to become a mature industrial sector, seeing as this is a production area that creates employment and has seen a growth in personnel, especially among young people who are, in any case, more aware of these things.”
And the crew working on “Fräulein”, Cresto Dina is quick to point out, consisted of many young people, some of whom were making their feature film debuts: the editor, Enrica Gatto, and the director of photography, Melanine Brugger, in addition to the director.

Many people believed in this movie, not just at Tempesta, starting obviously with BLS which, in addition to selecting it for Racconti, supported it by providing 20,000 Euros for the development (Carone also won a prestigious grant offered by the Nipkow program which allowed her to spend 4 months writing in Berlin) and 480,000 Euros for the production.
This is confirmed by Christiana Wertz, head of the BLS Film Fund & Commission: “Fräulein” is a very important movie for the region because, right from the start, it was created to be made in South Tyrol which is the idea behind RACCONTI. Caterina Carone’s movie is a perfectly successful example: filmed entirely in the region, using lots of local workers, it demonstrates that a project can be devised, developed and made entirely in South Tyrol ”.
The movie also involves the participation of Rai Cinema, and “an external tax credit intervention on the part of BNL, of around 300,000 Euros”, continues Cresto Dina. “Christian De Sica also immediately fell in love with this young story, and eagerly believed in it”.


Racconti, the workshop dedicated once again this year to TV series, has now reached its fourth edition.
It was held from April 24 to 30 in Vipiteno. The formula was that of two distinct Writers’ Rooms inside which the 8 scriptwriters and professional filmmakers selected (4 Italian and 4 German) developed 2 story-lines for TV series, proposed by two production companies, the Italian Palomar and the German Studio Hamburg, aimed at the international market and oriented towards Italian-German co-productions.
From April 22 to 24, Renon – the place where Fraulein is set – also hosted the fifth edition of Incontri. The “BLS Film Conference” brought together around 50 Italian, German, Swiss and Austrian broadcasters, producers and financiers who discussed the evolution towards digital production, financing models and European co-productions.

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