April will be a month packed with international commitments for RAI COM which arrives at MIPTV after welcoming around 120 buyers to Turin to whom it proposed its line up at the traditional Screenings (held from 3 to 6 April). This is particularly evident with regard to kids’ products which, after the Cannes Market, will be showcased again in Turin during Cartoons on the Bay (April 11-13).
So cartoons will be strongly highlighted, starting with JAMS (see article), as well as the multiplatform project “Fumbles” with its latest TV series “Fumbleland” (live action/motion-capture animation 26 x 7’) produced by Rai Ragazzi and JB Productions.
There are also some new drama products like “Broken Pieces” by Cinzia TH Torrini (see article), and “Mentre Ero Via”, a global-scale drama set in Verona, a Rai Fiction-Endemol Italy production, featuring Vittoria Puccini and Giuseppe Zeno.
In the meantime, sales continue of “The Name of the Rose” by Giacomo Battiato and “My Brilliant Friend” by Saverio Costanzo (in both cases the distribution involves CIS+EEC countries).
In Cannes Rai Com will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the internationally acclaimed series “Detective Montalbano” with two new episodes directed by Alberto Sironi: “Detective Montalbano – The Other End of The Line” (1 x 105’ – 2019), and “Detective Montalbano – A Diary From 1943 (1 x 111’ – 2019).