
direttore Paolo Di Maira


PUGLIA/Netflix in Taranto

After Tuscany and Lazio the Netflix mega-production “Six Underground”, directed by Michael Bay and starring Ryan Reynolds, also landed in Taranto, Puglia, at the end of September.
And, almost at the same time, another four production sets supported by the Apulia Film Commission started working in Puglia.
Filming has recently ended in Bari, Monopoli and Gravina in Puglia, on “The man with the Answers” by the Greek director Stelios Kammitsis, a European co-production between 9.99 Films (Italy), Felony Film (Cyprus) and Blonde Film (Greece), also realized with the contribution of the Regione Puglia Apulia Film Fund (€ 41,000) based on the resources of the POR Puglia 2014/2020, which employed 19 workers from Puglia. 16 local workers were instead involved in filming the feature-length movie “Il ladro di giorni” by Guido Lombardi.

Trani, Bisceglie e Torre Canne were the sets for the short “Dad’s Name” by Beppe Tufarulo.
Produced by Tapelessfilm in collaboration with Art of Panic, it employed 17 workers from Puglia, and was financed by the Regione Puglia Apulia Film Fund (€ 19,451) based on the resources of the POR Puglia 2014/2020 and with the support of the Apulia Film Commission.

The ninth edition of the Apulia Film Forum was held in Monopoli from October 11th to 13th.
The event is dedicated to Italian and foreign projects looking for co- producers and promotes the exchange of good practices, favoring networking between professionals and directing them towards a choice of locations in Puglia for their films.

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