As the “Renaissance Costumes” course by the Bottega di Alta Specializzazione ended in Prato, the first course at the Pisa center of Manifatture Digitali Cinema was announced.
Next May the Bottega di Alta Specializzazione di Manifatture Digitali Cinema Pisa will be launched entitled Narrazione interattiva e Filmmaking [Interactive Narration and Filmmaking] (RGB+D). I-Doc Medici (2nd May – 29th June 2018).
The objective of this Workshop is to produce an interactive documentary that presents the unique features of the 14 Villas and Gardens of the Medici family that are listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.
The course is open to a total of 20 participants featuring the most diverse professional figures: humanists/historians, coders/creative-coders, interactive narrative designers, filmmakers, editors, graphic designers, sound designers.
The Workshop is divided into design, pre-production, production and post-production in order to cover the whole cycle of the production project.
Specifically, workshop writing activities, volumetric filming and filming with drones, editing, verification of the user experience, sound design with and on filming and volumetric video editing are planned. Participation is free of charge.