direttore Paolo Di Maira

PIEDMONT/A film about Rita Levi Montalcini

The second 2019 session of the Piemonte Film TV Fund open call has assigned economic support to two feature movies by production companies from Turin: Louis Nero Film and La Sarraz Pictures.
The first movie is directed by Franco Nero and shooting will start between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020; the second is a film project directed by Umberto Spinazzola which will be made in spring 2020.

The open call, which uses European POR FESR 2014-2020 funds will also support filming in Piemonte on the television series “La fuggitiva”, pro- duced by Compagnia Leone Cinematografica, and the movie by Luisa Porrino “Passaggio a Nord ovest”, produced by Fargo Entertainment.

In the fall, the new Piemonte Development Fund open call, which aims to support the development of theatrical works and television series, announced the results of the first 2019 session. 6 projects were funded: “Montaigne” by Luca Ferri, production by Effendemfilm (Rome); “Um- berto B.” by Francesco Amato, production by Eie Film (Turin); “Brianza” by Simone Catania, production by Indyca (Turin); “L’uomo che ha fermato il tempo” by Paolo Casalis and Stefano Scarafia, production by La Sarraz Pictures (Turin); “Fuochi d’artificio” by Letizia Lamartire, production by Matrioska (Rome); and “Rispet” by Cecilia Bozza Wolf, production by Stefilm International (Turin).

The deadline for the second session is December 16 2019.

Part of the filming will begin imminently on a television movie directed by Alberto Negrin dedicated to the great scientist from Turin, the Nobel Prize winner, Rita Levi Montalcini.
Filming also continues in Turin (it started at the end of July and is due to end in February 2020 after around 21 weeks of work) on the TV series “Giustizia per Tutti”, directed by Maurizio Zaccaro and Eros Puglielli, starring Raoul Bova, produced by Turin’s Showlab (Prodea Group) and RB Produzioni for Mediaset (12 x 50’episodes), supported by the Por Fesr Funds (Piemonte Film TV Fund) distributed through the Regional Government of Piemonte.
Finally, filming has ended on “Tigers”, the feature produced by Black Spark Film (Sweden), Art of Panic (Italy) and SF Studios (Denmark), with the executive production service of Tapelessfilms and 9.99 Films. The film is written and directed by Ronnie Sandahl and was filmed for 7 weeks, between September and October, around Turin and Pinerolo.

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