
direttore Paolo Di Maira


PIEDEMONT/A green set in the Egyptian Museum

“Berni e il giovane faraone-Berni and the young pharaoh”, by Marco Chiarini is an exquisitely Piedmontese product: firstly because it was filmed entirely in Turin, mainly inside the Egyptian Museum, between October and November. It is a kind of fairy tale about the reawakening of the young mummy-pharaoh, Ramses known as Ram, and his friendship with Berni, a young girl who lives with her archaeologist mother inside the Museum.
Moreover, the project was set up in 2015 by the writing workshop organized by the Film Commission Torino Piedmont (FCTP), FictionLab, where the authors got the chance to develop a first version of the concept.
Another important distinctive element of the production, which is by 3ZERO2 TV and the Walt Disney Company Italia, was the application of the Edison Green Movie protocol, the first European guidelines for sustainable cinema that put into practice various measures established by the Green Set project curated by he FCTP.

Filming on “Nel buio” has just come to an end in Turin and Moncalieri. This is the debut work by Emanuela Rossi, produced by Courier Film in Rome, with the executive production service by Redibis of Turin. The protagonists are Valerio Binasco and Denise Tantucci.
Also located in and around Turin are the sets of “Gli uomini d’oro” by Vincenzo Alfieri, with Fabio De Luigi, Edoardo Leo and Giampaolo Morelli, produced by IIF – Italian International Film with Rai Cinema. The locations are: the Bank of Italy, the Dock’s Dora Condominium, Via Zino Zini, the Circolo Anatra Zoppa, the Pala Alpitur, La Sacra Birra, The Beach, the Auditorium Rai and Palazzo Barolo.

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