
direttore Paolo Di Maira


NEW RAI FORMATS / Soccer dreams

“Sogno Azzurro”, the new 4-part miniseries for Rai Uno shows, for the first time, the National team’s months of preparation for the European Championships.  It will be broadcast from June 7 to 10 2021, the days which precede Italy’s first match against Turkey.

The main location is the Coverciano Centro Tecnico in Florence: this is the first time that a film crew has had access to the center for longer than just the pre- and post-match periods and follows the meets, training sessions, technical meetings and athletes’ meals.  These moments, together with interviews with the individual players, the coach and staff, the various European transfers and archive footage, constitute the architecture of a decidedly different format for Rai Uno’s prime time slot which is generally occupied by game shows (currently “I soliti ignoti”, the Italian version of “Identity”).  This is the work of the new Direzione Sviluppo Nuovi Formati (New Format Development Department), dedicated to developing and experimenting with new languages, the head of which is Pierluigi ColantoniAchille Corea is the author of theseries together with the journalist Michele Gambino.  It is directed by Azzurra di Tomassi, the international distribution is by Rai Com.

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