
direttore Paolo Di Maira


MUNICH/Visiting the set by Videobus

German film history stretches back some 100 years.
And from its very beginnings, Munich has been home to locations in important feature and television films, such as Max Ophuls”˜s films Lola Montez.
A bus, especially equipped with monitors and DVD technology, now tours the city, going from location to location.
The passengers are shown scenes from films which were shot on the locations of the tour.
The tour was initiated by Anja Metzger formerly at the FFF Film Commission Bayern as well as the historian Arne Krasting and the film producer Andreas Dahrendorf from the Berlinbased agency VideoBustour.
The project is supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and FilmFernsehFonds Bayern.
The goal of the VideoBusTour is, according to Anja Metzger, to depict the “film face” of the city of Munich: “The locals and visitors should get the feeling of being in a real film city.”
And Klaus Schaefer emphasizes: “We are happy to support such an event, which is of benefit to locals, tourists and the film industry” (

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