The 50th edition of Miptv, the Cannes international entertainment market, will open on April 8th with the world premiere of “Da Vinci’s Demons”.
The first of eight episodes of this historic fantasy series, which promises to reveal the secrets of the troubled adolescence of Leonardo in Renaissance Florence, will be followed by a conversation with the showrunner David S. Goyer and the stars of the series, Tom Riley and Laura Haddock.
“We are honored that Starz and BBC Worldwide have chosen our event for this premiere. Our screenings are increasingly becoming the ideal showcase for presenting quality programs to the most influential buyers and sector professionals” says Laurine Garaude, director of the television division of Reed Midem.
Along with Miptv, MipFormats (April 6th-7th) will also be returning, with the MipFormats International Pitch, the contest dedicated to the most innovative (non-scripted) formats, sponsored again this year by Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP), which will be providing up to $ 25,000 for realizing the winning project.
”We were thrilled with the high quality and originality of the formats presented last year and encouraged to renew the partnership with Reed Midem”, says Andrew Zein, vice president (senior) for the development of formats and sales at WBITVP. Last year the winning pitch was “Looking for Love” by Canada’s Antica Productions which, the company’s president and executive producer Stuart Coxe says “thanks to the success achieved, has managed to obtain a development contract with a Canadian broadcaster, as well as other production agreements which we will be announcing soon”.