
direttore Paolo Di Maira


MAURIZIO GEMMA/The Law, an important goal

Instead of exalting our land’s proverbial propensity for entertainment, its culture, its landscape, in short all the aspects everyone knows about, we have chosen to invest in creating a film friendly enviroment and a mechanism that works”. Maurizio Gemma, director of the Film Commission Regione Campania proudly lays claim to the fruits of the Film Commission’s work.

A mechanism that works. How?
By creating a network of professionals, promoting contacts with small and large production companies, entities that are up to the challenges of big international productions.
And, above all, by acting as a bridge with the region in places that are often, at least apparently, incompatible with film sets. Our task is to make production companies’ work possible in a climate of safety and, at the same time, to safeguard the region, guaranteeing it visibility and an economic impact, whether it is a question of filming on a beach populated by turtles or in a Baroque church.

Or if you are filming “Gomorrah”…
With products like “Gomorrah” the difficulties are of a social, political and cultural nature. In order to overcome the understandable resistance of the local community you have to be able to listen, comprehend, explain and mediate.

A complex job. What effect did the lack of economic support have in the past?
I’ll answer that by providing a piece of information: in 2016 alone we followed around 100 productions. This means that our strategy worked even without an economic incentive. Because services, when they work, have an economic value, they can be monetized.

Since the start of 2017 there are the Funds and, above all, there is a new Law
The law is a very important goal. With the law the Regional Council has managed to acknowledge the urgency of a strategy that makes interventions in the sector constant and safe, placing the various audiovisual supply chains within an organic and incisive plan.

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