
direttore Paolo Di Maira


LAZIO/In Berlin with CRC

The CRC Capital Regions for Cinema co-production meetings have reached their 17th edition.
The network of Film Commissions from the Regional Capitals of Ile de France, Lazio, Comunidad de Madrid and Berlin-Brandenburg will meet during the 60th Berlinale, on February 16th, at the Vertretung des Landes Brandenburg.
In order to expand the opportunities for international co-productions, the CRC network will once again host a delegation of non-European producers: the host country for this edition is INDIA.

The Roma Lazio Film Commission stipulated five co-production projects in 2009: “Out of the Shadows”, “ADHD”, “Apartment in Athens”, “La Madre” and “Le Quattro Volte”.
The activities of the Film Commission, directed by Cristina Priarone which, in its first two and a half years has been involved in over 300 theatrical and audiovisual projects (including “Giulia doesn’t go out at night” by Giuseppe Piccioni, “Christine Cristina” by Stefania Sandrelli, “Red Shadows” by Francesco Maselli and “CoverBoy” by Carmine Amoroso), were presented during a conference entitled “La Regione va al Cinema” [The Region goes to the Movies] organized on January 20th by the Regione Lazio.
The conference took a look at the activities carried out and reflected on regional policies regarding movies and audiovisuals.
37 movies have been financed through risk capital operations (after they were extended to include the audiovisual sector by Regional Law 2/85) for a value of over 7.5 million Euros.
6 million Euros were allocated in 2009 for incentives and concessions to theatrical productions and a convention was stipulated with Unionfidi to promote access to credit by audiovisual companies.
The sector also received 34 million Euros from European support funds, divided into four bids.
Stefano Turi, the director general of Filas, presented the new Development Fund for audiovisual projects.
The fund, which is active from 2010, has a regional allocation of 1,290,000 Euros and is to be used for projects principally aimed at promoting territories and activities related to Big Cultural Attractions (the Archaeological Park of Vulci, Fossanova, Tivoli, the Via del Sale or Salt Road, the polygonal Walls in the Frosinate area).

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