
direttore Paolo Di Maira


LATINA/A Fund for Documentaries

“Nuova Madre” by Gabriella Valentini and “Santa Teppa” by Alessandro Marascia and Giuseppe Terella are the winners of the Latina Film Fund, the first documentary competition promoted by the Fondazione Latina Film Commission, with the contribution of the Regional Council of Lazio, the subject of which was: “Tell us about the province of Latina: its stories, the identity of its people, the territory”.

“The prize awarded to the two winners (12,500 Euros) is divided into two parts: 7500 Euros will be used for research, production development and screenplays, and the remaining 5000 Euros will be used for post-production and editing”, explains Rino Piccolo, director of the Film Commission, announcing that: “a demo will be made, a promotional version of the documentary, which we will take to foreign markets in an attempt to act as intermediaries between the production and possible distributors.”

Already operational for around a year, the structure, headed by Raoul Malagola, has already given its support to a number of theatrical, television and advertising productions.

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