In 2012 a subgroup called Green Regio was launched by the members of Cine-Regio (The European network that groups together 43 film commissions with regional funds for audiovisuals, see to share and promote knowledge and to work towards a common European approach to sustainability for the Film and TV sector, based on real experiences across the European Regions.
The group has been working on a report called “Sustainability in Vision” that will be presented in Cannes, which introduces a focused overview of existing European case studies and the activities of CineRegio members in this arena.
In fact, today across Europe, there are many examples of interesting and emerging practices of accessible and cost effective sustainability.
“Our intention is to highlight opportunities and challenges as we embrace this important learning curve and
work towards a sustainable film industry that we can all be proud of” says Charlotte Appelgren, General Secretary of CineRegio. “Progress has been made in the past three years but how far have we really come in comparison to other industries?”.
TheFondazione SardegnaFilm Commission officially joined the subgroup last year, and plans to give a substantial contribution to the project already in 2014-2015, thanks to the new regional program on Energy and Sustainability in place in Sardinia for 2014-2020, where the Film Commission plays a key role.
“The demand for action does not come from within our industry but through changing legislation, pressure groups, talents and the end user – the audience, who will expect our industry to behave in a responsible and sustainable way” says Joe Nolan, Exec of GreenRegio, “and being environmentally responsible can often be a way to save money”.