
direttore Paolo Di Maira


FOCUS/Two Titanics for the Centenary

The 2012 edition of MipTV will open with the premiere at the Palais des Festivals, of “Titanic”, the four part series created by Nigel Stafford Clark and written by Julian Fellowes (an international co-production distributed by ZDF Enterprises and ITV Studios Global Entertainment).
The series will be screened just a few days before the one hundredth anniversary of the sinking of the transatlantic liner.  But there is also another “Titanic” ready to set sail into the hectic business waters of Cannes: this is the series produced by DAP Italy, a 6 part international co-production, the first episode of which will be broadcast by RaiUno on April 22nd.

Two television products about the same subject that will potentially be seen all around the world.
But, says Nicola De Angelis, they are very different:
“We weren’t interested in telling the story of the ship sinking, a story that has already been told in James Cameron’s movie. We decided to go for a series of very interesting and as yet unexplored aspects of the story, such as the building of the ship, the clashes between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, the first immigrants to go to the United States, the American dream …The result is a high quality product that we are very satisfied with.”
Just a few days before the series is aired, on April 12th, on the exact anniversaryof the tragedy, there will be a premiere screening of the first two 50 minute episodes in Rome at the Auditorium Parco della Musica.
The series will then be broadcast in September in the co-producing countries, Ireland (Epos), Canada (CBC) and Spain (Antena 3) and, continues Nicola De Angelis, “we are in the process of selling the series to France, the United Kingdom and the United States (the international distribution is being handled by Tandem Communications).”

The De Angelis Group will be bringing a number of projects to MipTv (“we are continuing to write and look for partners for a TV series based on the novel by Diego Cugia, “Il Mercante di Fiori”, and we have started writing “L’Assedio di Malta”, continues De Angelis), and will also be taking part in the Drama Co-production Exchange.

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