direttore Paolo Di Maira

FOCUS/Sardinia, working on Green Movie

The title chosen specifically for this year’s event -“Sustainable Creative Industries”- already clearly highlights the subject of the discussion proposed for the 12th edition of the European Cinema and Audiovisual Days (ECAD) held in Cagliari (Sardinia) from February 26 to March
1 2015, organized by the Sardegna Film Commission.
The Days were mainly (but not only) focused on “Green Movie” production practices. The topic was discussed by filmmakers, producers, Italian and foreign film commissioners, representatives of private industry and public institutions, local authorities and delegates from national and international associations. The event, the first of its kind in Italy, did not just involve the entire community of the audiovisual and theatrical world operating on the island, but also numerous professionals who traveled there from the rest of Italy and abroad.
The meetings marked an important stage in the process of defining a European protocol of environmentally sustainable practices for cinema and audiovisuals. We offer a broad account of them in this issue.

OVERVIEW/This changes everything

SCENARIO/Sardinia, a land of innovators

TRENDS/Towards the Italian Green Cluster

DEBATE/Does Independent mean Green?

HEROES 20.20.20/The Magnificent Seven

EUROPE/The Regional Film Funds

FOCUS/The Sustainable Lightness of the Dutch

ARGIOLAS/Portraying Sardinia through Wine

Articoli collegati

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