
direttore Paolo Di Maira


FLORENCE/60 years of the Festival dei Popoli

The Festival dei Popoli is 60 years old, the historic international documentary film festival that has been held in Florence since 1959 and which will be returning to the Florentine capital from November2 to 9 directed by Alberto Lastrucci and presided over by Vittorio Iervese.

The spotlight on the historic Florentine event is guaranteed by the International competition (21 titles including shorts, medium and feature-length movies never screened before in Italy), the Italian Competition (7 titles, never screened before, including “Medium” by Laura Cini and “Caterina” by Francesco Corsi, which were realized also with the support of the Toscana Film Commission), and by a focus dedicated to the environment (Habitat).

Also shifting between past and present is the work by Sergei Loznitsa, the internationally famous Ukrainian filmmaker, to whom the Festival (which Loznista won in 2014 with “Maidan”) is paying tribute.

There is also space for the Future with a section devoted to the youngest set (KinderDocs), Doc at Work – Campus (a section dedicated to the work carried out by Italian cinema schools) and with Doc Explorer which proposes to explore the boundaries of the documentary in the regions where it is blended with other forms of expression and with the spaces (virtual and other) made available by technological innovation.

The program also includes the Special Events, films with a high spectacular content which tackle extremely topical themes and Hit Me With Music! dedicated to musical documentaries.

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