The objective of the FVG Audiovisual Fund is to promote the development of local companies in the audiovisual sector and contribute to the qualification of related professional resources.
Directed by Paolo Vidali, the Fund was set up in Udine in 2007, with funding from the Office for Productive Activities of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. It provides contributions for training, as well as the development of projects and their distribution.
A review of the 6th year of activity shows that support was provided to 181 projects, consisting of movies, shorts, documentaries and TV series, with a total contribution of around 2,350,000 Euros, equal to around 25% of the projects’ budgets.
More than 20 projects were European co-productions with France, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia and Switzerland. In these six years the fund has financed 30 companies and 8 associations.
Alongside the ordinary activity of providing financial support to local companies, the Fund organizes a series of international events with the aim of creating new training opportunities for professionals in the region.
While When East Meets West, which has been held in Trieste every year since 2010, has become one of the principal co-production meetings between the cinema industries of Eastern and Western Europe, Eave-Ties That Bind, held in Udine since 2009, is dedicated to Asian and European producers.
Particularly useful, for training purposes, is the collaboration initiated in 2009 with Eurodoc, the most important European training course for documentary professionals.
The project was developed together with the Slovenian National Cinema Fund and the Croatian National Cinema Fund, boosting the exchange of professionals in southeastern Europe.