
direttore Paolo Di Maira


FESTIVAL 2/ Rome Fiction Fest 2007

Felice Laudadio, former director of the Venice Film Festival, director of the Casa del Cinema in Rome, and the Festival Europa Cinema in Viareggio, has been appointed the Artistic Director of the new RomaFictionFest, to be held from Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th July 2007.

The main venue of the Festival, whose principal promoters include the Regional Government of Lazio and the Associazione dei Produttori Televisivi (APT), will be the ten theaters in the Multisala Adriano in Piazza Cavour, for the daytime and evening screenings, and two prestigious external locations which “” at the time of going to press “” have not yet been revealed.

The Festival’s direction committee features “” amongst others “” the President of the Torino Film Commission, Steve Della Casa, the director of the Banf Festival, Canadian Pat Ferns, and contributor to Cinema & Video, journalist and film critic, Marco Spagnoli.
With a budget of around 4/5 million Euros, the Festival, which is unique of its kind on an international level, will target world TV production companies and, in addition to providing a huge showcase for Italian drama, will aim to involve the big stars and protagonists of the best-loved TV series.
The epicenter of the Festival will be the city of Rome and it will be accompanied by a series of related events to be held in the other main cities of the Lazio province from Viterbo to Rieti, Frosinone and Latina.


Cinema&Video International   1/2-2007

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