
direttore Paolo Di Maira



“I like Lecce a lot from an esthetic point of view. At the beginning, it was like choosing a beautiful woman or man to frequent, but then it became an important choice because I discovered a whole new world. I loved the city and love the Salento area very much. I especially like the people, they make the city beautiful. I often feel a strong sense of nostalgia for Lecce.

I wrote the story of “Mine vaganti” with a place that was far away from Rome in mind, but it could have been anywhere, even in northern Italy.
Then we set it in Lecce and I wanted to pay tribute to this city which had welcomed us in such a wonderful way.
When I used to come out of the hotel where I was staying in the center, I would walk to the set early in the morning and it was a true pleasure for me to stroll around the city.
I always stopped off to say hello to my friend Antonio who sells suitcases “¦

The Film Commission staff were very helpful, they helped to open doors, and it was great to be able to count on their assistance.
I became great friends with the mayor of Lecce, whose political ideas are the exact opposite of mine: in the south, left and right are very different from in the north.
There is a completely different way of looking at life and things”.

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