
direttore Paolo Di Maira


ERVET STUDY/Cinema drives the growth of the Creative Industries

In recent years cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Emilia-Romagna have registered an anticyclical trend, achieving an increase of 3.5% in employment compared to a regional average of +0.4%.
The greatest boost was from 2015 to 2017, with a percent- age increase in employment of + 5%.
This ex- pansion was driven by entertainment, within which cinema production and distribution vaunted an 18.2% increase in professionals.
This data is included in the report “Economia arancione in Emilia Romagna. Le industrie culturali e creative- Orange economy in Emilia Romagna. The creative and cultural industries” carried out by Ervet in collaboration with the Osservatorio Regionale dello Spettacolo- Regional Observatory on Entertainment. These figures can be linked to the innovative investment logic that inspired the regional ad- ministration from 2015, the year the current legislature began.

In fact the Culture budget has been more than doubled, rising from € 17.5 million in the last legislature to almost € 45 million thanks to the resources derived from other departments.
This systemic strategy made it possible to pass laws that crossed over several departments.
The law on cinema and audiovisuals, in particular, is the result of a process in which 4 departments participated: Culture, Education and Training, Production Activities and Tourism.

The Law, approved in 2014 but operational since the second half of 2015, and the Audiovisual Fund set up by the same, generated the first structured interventions for cinema and audiovisuals (in the three year period 2015- 2017), which amounted to around € 10 million.
The contribution granted to festivals and shows was € 2,240,000, and € 3437,000 went to professional training.
Around € 4.3 million went to production which contributed to the realization of 133 projects where the total expenditure in the region was estimated at over € 15 million.
Resources of around € 5 million are envisaged and/or have already been allocated for 2018 (€ 500,000 for exhibiting, training of the public and promotion, almost € 1.9 million for festivals, shows and the diffusion of theatrical culture, and over € 2,300,000 for production).
Contributions for the open call to support development have already been assigned (15 projects funded for a total of € 108,000), as well as those related to the first session of the open calls for supporting production (21 projects for a total of € 1,150,000).
In the course of the next few months the resources related to the second assessment session will also be assigned (the deadline for the open call was 4 September).
Monitoring of the projects funded in the first two years recorded an annual average of around 600 days of filming in the region with the employment of over 500 units of technical and artistic personnel for a total of 9,000 working days.

Alongside the financial support there is also the backing given to productions by the Emilia-Romagna Film Commission (choice of locations, relations with the region).

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