
direttore Paolo Di Maira


EMILIA ROMAGNA/Nossiter&Nolte in Bologna

Around € 2,300,000 of the Fondo Audiovisivo Regionale- Regional Audiovisual Fund to support 41 projects: this sums up the 
Emilia Romagna Film Commission’s 2018 while 2019 starts with new open calls destined for national – international and local productions, for which a total of € 1,500,000 and € 600,000 have been allocated (the first window of the open calls will stay open until February 28th).

An open call has also been confirmed to support the writing and development of original screenplays for feature movies, dramas, web series and documentaries, the deadline for which will be at the end of March 2019.

The new year opens with some important sets visiting the region: in addition to the already announced filming of “My brother chases dinosaurs” by Stefano Cipani, and “La voce del circo” by Pierpaolo Paganelli featuring, respectively, Alessandro Gassman and Vittoria Puccini, Nick Nolte and Jonathan Nossiter have arrived in Bologna with the set of “Last Words”, the post-apocalyptic feature movie based on the novel by Santiago Amigorena set in a 2086 in which the survivors of the human race search for a meaning to survival in a world devastated by wars and environmental catastrophes, clinging to the damaged but surviving beauty of culture. Alongside Nolte, in this Stemal EntertainmentRai Cinema production, we have Charlotte Rampling, Alba Rohrwacher and Sweden’s Stellan Skarsgard.

Various productions which have received support from the latest open calls are ready to enter the distribution path. These include “Il fagotto”, the short by Giulia Giapponesi (distributed by Sayonara- Films-Elefant Distribution) set in Tresigallo, near Ferrara, “Solo cose belle”, by Kristian Gianfreda, produced by Coffee Time andSunset, and “Tutto liscio”, by Igor Maltagliati (La Famiglia Film srl), with Piero Maggiò, Antonio Catania and Maria Grazia Cucinotta, a story of love and betrayal in the land of dance halls.
After the worldwide success of “The ballad of the homeless” – and the accompanying race for Oscar selection – Parma’s Monica Manganelli returns with another work of animation, “Butterflies in Berlin”.
For the first time in the movie industry people are talking about the Holocaust and gender identity at the same time; this is a story of metamorphosis in four chapters, freely inspired by real facts and characters, produced by Bee Communications and Alexandra Cinematografica for Italy, and Latteplus Film Berlin for Germany.
In addition to the support of theEmilia-Romagna Film Commission, the work received a contribution from the MiBAC and the German Ministry of media and cinema.
“Passatempo” the short by Gianni Amelio, filmed entirely in Bobbio and produced by The Film Club of Piacenza also received support from the MiBAC.

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