
direttore Paolo Di Maira


EMILIA ROMAGNA/New Series on the Way

The sets of two important television series are on their way to Emilia Romagna: casting is being completed on “Three steps over Heaven” based on the eponymous novel by Federico Moccia which was made into a movie by Luca Lucini in 2004.
The series for young adults produced by Cattleya will be filmed in the provinces of Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena.

Emilia will instead be hosting “La guerra è finita” (working title), a story directed by Michele Soavi, set in the Reggio Emilia area in 1945, at the end of the Second World War, about the children, teenagers and adults who, after the concentration camps and all the tragedies that occurred during the conflict, get together to build a new life together.
It is produced by Palomar.

Also in the province of Reggio Emilia filming is currently taking place on the feature movie for cinema “Si muore solo da vivi”, produced by K+ and directed by Alberto Rizzi.

Bologna is instead hosting the set of the documentary “La piazza della mia città” directed by Paolo Santamaria for TCB srl. Between March and April the city was the protagonist of four weeks of filming on the Rai 1 TV Movie “I ragazzi dello zecchino” to be broadcast in the fall, a Rai Fiction and Leone Cinematografica coproduction produced by Francesco and Federico Scardamaglia which tells the story of the Piccolo Coro dell’Antoniano Choir and the historic director Mariele Ventre, played by Matilda De Angelis.

The Emilia-Romagna Film Commission will be at the Cannes Film Festival in the Italian Pavilion inside the Hotel Majestic at the disposal of professionals interested in receiving information about the Production Open Call, the second window of which will be open from July 1st to 31st.

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