Reality cinema plays a significant role with 9 documentaries near completion including “Valentin, son of Europe” about the difficult life of a Romanian boy directed by Antonio Martino and produced by Fuori- campo, “We are the thousand” by Anita Rivaroli, produced by Indyca, about the Foo Fighters’ concert in Cesena in 2015. Lisa Bosi and Francesca Zerbetto have also directed “Disco Ruin”, a visionary journey into the world of discotheques produced by Sonne Film.
6 drama features, including (in addition to “My brother chases dinosaurs” – read the article– ) “La voce del circo” by Pierpaolo Paganelli (the redemption and growth of a deaf-mute orphan girl who is welcomed into a circus family) produced by Enjoy Movies, and “999”, directed by Federico Rizzo for Oblivion production, set in the world of soccer.
The 5 projects receiving the contribution include arthouse shorts led by Gianni Amelio and his “Passatempo”: a few minutes to tell the story of two players, a professor and a foreigner, about which the Maestro still maintains complete silence.
Overall 41 productions have been financed by the Fund in 2018 and a total of almost € 2,300,000 has been allocated.