
direttore Paolo Di Maira


DEBATE/Does Independent mean Green?

Is it green to be independent? The answer is yes, although the contributions made by the filmmakers in Cagliari – Italian, mainly Sardinian – added a new shade of green: the urgency of relational sustainability that starts from the region, from the people.
This clearly emerged from the experiences of Peter Marcias whose “Dimmi che destino avrò”, was filmed in the Romany camps of Cagliari, according to which the commitment to an environmentally sustainable cinema also involves working on integration.
And while the director and producer Pietro Reggiani reminds us that the climate changes taking place on our planet depend on our behavior and that reducing emissions on the set can be an opportunity to “feel more human”, filmmakers like Stefano Odoardi and Tomaso Mannoni focus on the process of the creative act by subtraction.

The “external” viewpoint of the Argentinean Alfredo Federico, producer of the first movie about Pope Francis (“Francis of Buenos Aires”), is interesting: “In Italy you are much further ahead than the rest of the world”, he says, underlining that a sense of the environment is part of our identity. He cites as an example the word “agriturismo” [agritourism], untranslatable in other languages, and announces a documentary project about Chiara Vigo, an extraordinary character, the custodian of the art of working byssus in Sardinia, “passing on an authentic green culture”.

The fact that a project with a strong identity can move beyond local boundaries more easily has been demonstrated by Tore Cubeddu who recounted the experience of Eja Tv the glocal television channel that, by covering the Sartiglia, the Oristano carnival, transformed a local event into an international one, with a multilingual live broadcast in Sardinian, Italian and English.

The urgency of the territory is strong in the videos by Paolo Zucca, the director of “L’arbitro” who, with great irony, celebrates the Sardinia of the “centenarians” (“I only want to communicate an image of Sardinia”), despite the fact that he provocatively admits to not being prepared on the green theme (“I care about making movies”).
An urgency argued  by the producer Andrea Di Blasio, also Sardinian who, whilst agreeing with the importance of a protocol, advises against losing sight of the specific features of the individual regions. And in this, he says, the role of “guarantee” played by the Film Commissions, is crucial.

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