
direttore Paolo Di Maira


CINEREGIO/The Europe of the Regions

Read also:

MEDIA/The need for a Regional Perspective
The future of Animation

CineRegio, the European body which represents Europe’s regional film funds has recently welcomed three news members into its General Assembly: Région Grand Est (France), Mallorca Film Fund (Spain), and Filmfond Nord (Norway), bringing the total number of members to 44.
Together this network represents a total of approx. € 170 million to support film culture.
CineRegio has also announced three new members of the board for a two year term until mid 2019: Pauline Burt, CEO of F lm Cymru Wales (UK), Philippe Reynaert, CEO of Wallimage (BE), and Gerlinde Seitner, Managing Director of Vienna Film Fund (AU).
Gerlinde Seitner who will continue her role as chairperson of CineRegio has said:
“Thank you for the vote of confidence. CineRegio has achieved a lot on a European policy level and I would like to continue that direction even though many of the current issues are to be decided on a national level.
The voice of the regions needs to be heard and can make a difference.
I am still convinced that it is necessary to defend cultural diversity and the production and distribution of European content on our own terms (and not those of someone else).
Also, we will continue producing the CineRegio Focus Reports – important strategic work on different topics and a tool which has proved to be popular outside the CineRegio circle as well. For me CineRegio is the platform for sharing best practices and it should continue to be that”.

Philippe Reynaert of Wallimage added: “VOD, SVOD, VR, AR, 360°… those letters and gures are deeply changing our audiovisual world! Despite the outstanding CineRegio studies “Digital Revolution series” – issued in 2006, 2008, 2012 & 2014 we only started discovering the strength of the digital tsunami in our day-to-day life as film funds. I’m passionate about the search for new business models fitting in with the technologies of our 4.0 universe…..In a divided Europe, more and more driven by selfishness and outdated nationalism, the Regions have to communicate with each other in order to promote their own culture in a spirit of exchange. We all feel that culture is more important than ever to make the world less sad and bad. And the audiovisual language is more than ever also THE link between young people around the planet. So our responsibility is huge! CineRegio is already a cement/ glue between us and may become a shelter in the next few years.

The CineRegio board consists of six persons. In addition to the chair-person Gerlinde Seitner (Vienna Film Fund, Austria), it includes Philippe Reynaert (Wallimage, Belgium), Pauline Burt (F lm Cymru Wales, United Kingdom), Nevina Satta (Sardegna Film Foundation, Italy), Ralf Ivarsson (Film I Skåne, Sweden) and Marijke Vandebuerie (Flanders Audiovisual Fund, Belgium).

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