
direttore Paolo Di Maira


CARTOON ITALIA/Supporting animation for 20 years

This year Cartoon Italia, the National Association of Animation Producers, celebrates twenty years of activity, making its contribution, particularly in recent years, to institutional tables for the new law on Cinema and Audiovisuals passed by the Mibact (Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism) in 2017.
The association, that groups together around twenty companies, did everything it could to draw the attention of the institutions towards a sector that maximizes Made in Italy creativity exporting it all over the world according to a production and commercial model based on international partnerships and the transversal nature of the products.

The new law envisages, among other things, an upgraded tax credit which has been raised to 30% for audiovisual production businesses as well, automatic contributions granted according to objective criteria and investment obligations on the part of all the channels dedicated to kids’ programming.
It is as a result of this law that the national animation industry will be able to maintain a greater share of the rights on productions, strengthen its patrimonial value and speed up returns from investments. Where, until yesterday, Italian producers could count almost exclusively on Rai, today the sector finally has the instruments that will allow it to become increasingly competitive on an international level.
A member of ANICA (Italian Association of Cinematographic Audiovisual and Multimedia Industries) where it represents the Animation section, it is a founding member of Animation Europe, the purpose of which is to define the sector’s development plans on an EC level.

Cartoon Italia will be celebrating its 20th birthday during the next Rome International Audiovisual Market where it will meet the Italian Film Commissions on October 19th in order to outline the sector’s regional development strategies in Italy.
The program will feature the case history of the Pôle Image Magelis of Angoulême, one of the biggest regional promotion entities in the image production chain in Europe, with the general manager Frédéric Cros.

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