The woods of Calabria and Lagonegro in Basilicata provide the sets for the international series “Trust”, directed by Danny Boyle, amongst others, produced by Fox and Minimum UK with the executive production by Enzo Sisti.
Inspired by the famous 1973 kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, the young hippy grandson of a rich American oil magnate, the series stars Donald Sutherland, Brendan Fraser and Hillary Swank. Filming started on 4 September and will continue for 50 days, employing many local workers and extras. The facilities and the locations were organized with the help of the Lu.Ca. protocol involving cooperation between the lm commissions of Basilicata and Calabria.
On 16 October filming begins in Latronico on the thriller “L’Eroe”, Cristiano Anania’s debut work starring Salvatore Esposito and Cristina Donadio, actors made famous by the “Gomorrah” series. The film has been financed via an open call by the Lucana Film Commission, just like “Lucania”, the work in which Gigi Roccati digs into magical and ancestral rites whilst also paying tribute to the visionary style of Fernando Arrabal who filmed “The tree of Guernica” in Basilicata. The cast includes Angela Fontana, Maia Morgenstern, Pippo Delbono, Christo Jivkov and Joe Capalbo. 5 weeks of filming are planned starting on 2 October in San Severino Lucano in the heart of the Parco del Pollino.