
direttore Paolo Di Maira


BASILICATA/Venezia among the Sassi

Matera and Metaponto are the locations of the new drama with the working title of “Le avventure di Imma”, based on the novels by the Lucanian writer Mariolina Venezia.
The six part series will be aired in the prime time slot on Raiuno in 2019.
It is produced by Itv movie, directed by Francesco Amato, and stars Valeria Scalera and Massimil- iano Gallo. The movie “From the vine came the grape” is being filmed in October, in Acerenza, in the province of Potenza. It is an Italian Canadian co-production, a high budget movie based on the book by Canadian writer Ken Cancellara, a native of Basilicata.

Also in October the ‘Sassi’ of Matera are the protagonists of a spectacular Bollywood action movie: “Project 62” by Siddharth Anand, produced byLa Pvt Yash Raj Films. Ltd featuring the Indian stars Hrtik Roshan, Tiger Shroff and Vani Kapoor.
Filming on a special project for Matera 2019 European capital of culture and the Lucana Film Commission entitled “Il miracolo di Giulia” by the Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf (“Kanda- har”, “The Silence”) is in progress from October 1st until November 5th.
The movie was the result of intensive research by the director, in close contact with numerous Lucanian communities. In addition to Matera, the locations in Lucania that are involved are Pisticci, Marconia, Marina di Pisticci, Pollino and Tursi. From October 26th to November 5th the crew will move to Calabria, to Diamante and Verbicaro.

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