
direttore Paolo Di Maira


APULIA/A Fund for International Productions

Five years after its creation, the Fondazione Apulia Film Commission is determinedly playing the international card by choo- sing strategic opportunities and places. On May 20th in Cannes, during the 56th edition of the Festival, it will be launching the new Apulia International Film Fund that will provide grants to support the production costs of European and non-European audiovisual, theatrical and television products. The fund has a total of 500,000 Euros available for the whole of 2012: each project can receive sup- port equal to 15% of the production costs sustained in Apulia, up to a maximum of 200,000 Euros.

“The real innovation with this fund” the director of the Apulia Film Commission, Silvio Maselli, tells Cinema & Video International, “is that it is completely automatic, it is a “counter-based” fund, available until all the resources have been paid out, and can be used together with other incentives”.
This is music to the ears of producers who will no longer have to run the gauntlet of cultural tests and judging committees, with all the uncertainties and long-windedness of bu- reaucracy. Maselli assures us that: “All requests will receive a reply within thirty days”.

“Anyone who comes to film in Apulia will be able to save 61% of the cost of their movie”, says the director of the AFC, adding the 15% of the Apulian contribution to the 25% national tax credit for executive production companies, and the 21% (23% from next fall) VAT, which is exempt from costs invoiced by executive producers to foreign pro- duction companies.

There are just a few, clear rules to follow.

The first is that the foreign company has to be connected with an Italian executive production company which must have worked on at least one executive production. The foreign production company also has to demonstrate that it has stipulated a contract with a theatrical distri- butor, in the case of a movie, or a TV network, in the case of a drama product, in its own country.

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