direttore Paolo Di Maira

APULIA AFILM FUND/Rewarding international co-productions

The new Apulia Film Fund will have an allocation of € 10 million for the three year period 2018/2020

The Fund accepts all audiovisual product projects (dramas, documentaries, shorts, animations, formats) with a minimum threshold of work carried out in Puglia (6 days for all of them, except formats and shorts – 2 days), and that have financial coverage of at least 60% of the budget (40% for Documentaries and 20% for Shorts).

A cash rebate equal to 50% of the costs for workers and professionals registered on the Apulia Film Commission’s Production Guide is envisaged for all typologies, even for work realized outside Puglia, as well as 50% of the travel allowances for non-residents of Puglia during work in the region.
Part of the expenditure on suppliers with fiscal residence in Puglia is also reimbursed: 70% for shorts, 50% for Documentaries and Animation, 35% for Dramas and 30% for Formats.
Finally, international co-productions are rewarded with the assignment of 7 points out of the total of 60 necessary to access the funding.

The maximum contribution envisaged is € 1 million for drama products, € 250,000 for animation, € 100,000 for documentaries and Formats, € 40,000 for shorts.

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