direttore Paolo Di Maira

ANIMATION BAND/Children save the world

“Stellina”, a rebellious 10 year old girl is the young heroine of the new cartoon series of the same name that Animation Band will be promoting at Mipcom.
“Loulou de Montmartre” (picture on the right) is the star of the other series being presented, due to be screened on Rai Due by the end of the winter, about a young girl who, like Stellina, has to fight against adversity. Both girls are orphans, but while Loulou lives in the mythical Paris of the beginning of the last century, amongst the artists of La Belle Epoque, Stellina’s story is set in the early 60s in France, where the little girl lives with her mother who is an acrobat in a circus, and in Italy where, reluctantly, she is adopted by a family.

“This is the first time that the subject of adoption has been tackled in a cartoon”, says Marco Marcolini, Animation Band’s producer.
“It includes the intervention of the social workers and placement in a public structure before the adoption, followed by the process of integration into a new family and social situation”.
Less than a century separates the two stories but “” like most girls – both dream about being in the limelight, albeit for different reasons. Loulou wants to become a famous ballerina, whereas Stellina’s dream is to follow in her mother’s professional footsteps.
Both 26 x 30′ episode series are co-produced with Pictor Media, Rai Fiction and France 3, the latter being the network on which Loulou was successfully broadcast last spring, and where it will be repeated this fall.

Another lively and curious girl is the leading character of the 52 x 13′ episode series “Il mondo di Stefi”, another co-production with Rai Fiction, based on the cartoons by Grazia Nidasio.

“The first 28 episodes are currently being broadcast by Rai Tre”, explains Marcolini. “The remaining 24 are in production and will be ready next spring, whereas “Stellina” will be shown next fall”.

Finally, by summer 2009, Animation Band will have completed the production of “LMN’S” (picture on the right), a trip into the micro-world of atoms in the company of Cip, the small star of the Italian-Spanish 52 x 13′ episode series co-produced with Rai Fiction, Tv3 Catalunya and Motion Pictures.

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