
direttore Paolo Di Maira


ANIMATION BAND/At MipCom with Ulysses

Following the success of “Loulou de Montmartre” broadcast this summer, Rai Due will shortly be screening another Animation Band cartoon co-produced with Rai Fiction and French partners: “Stellina”, a series of 26 half hour episodes, starring a new type of Pippi Longstocking, an unconventional, resourceful and slightly rebellious 10 year old girl.
Stellina is an orphan who lives with a large extended circus family, surrounded by lots of animals and always on the road.
When a social worker arrives who wants to make her go to school and live in a “normal” family she obviously doesn’t want to know.
So she runs away from the circus and begins a series of adventures that will take her from France to 1960s Italy.

With regard to the cartoons currently in production, Animation Band is just about to deliver 25 new episodes of “Stefi’s World” (the first 27 have already been broadcast by Rai Tre), based on Grazia Nidasio’s cartoons in the “Corriere della Sera”, the entire series of “LMN’S”, an Italian- Spanish cartoon (52 x 13′), both co-produced with Rai Fiction, as well as “Ulisse “” Il mio nome è Nessuno”, which will be officially presented at Mipcom.
As previously announced, this is a particularly epic-adventurous version of Homer’s tale which is being shown as a cartoon series for the first time on TV.
Another 26 half hour episodes, the first of which have already been completed, will be made available to buyers attending Cannes.

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