
direttore Paolo Di Maira


EDITORIAL/A new Strategy for Coproductions

With Bernardo Bertolucci, Matteo Garrone and Dario Argento, the Italian movie industry will be presenting its very best side at the 65th Cannes Film Festival. But despite dressing up for the party, everyday life for Italian movies around the world has reached levels of minimum visibility.
To change this situation we need something we haven’t got: a critical mass of product, adequate promotional activities and a strong international sales network.
It is not news that the co-production strategy is being used to access international markets (two of the Italian movies at Cannes, “Reality” and “ Dracula 3D”, are co-productions).
The real news is that the project now has some new supporters: the line producers who interface between the territory and the foreign productions being filmed in Italy.
Changing their approach – starting with foreign and not Italian productions – their association, the APE, has put out a challenge: to transform some of their executive production services into co-productions with Italian participation.
In order to do this they are working alongside the Regional Governments and Film Commissions which, with dedicated support funds (like in Apulia), are setting their sights on foreign productions (which have become more interested in
Italy following the establishment of the tax credit), offering executive production services.
This means that they also have the objective force of an international product that, by guaranteeing greater visibility, will more easily attract private capital.
It is, therefore, worth paying greater attention to foreign productions in Italy which, even now, are not just transmitting the image of our country to the world, encouraging tourism, but are attracting capital and, above all, developing professional skills.
Many of the articles in the following pages are dedicated to line producers, foreign productionsn in Italy and the regional Funds devoted to the same, because we believe that these represent an important opportunity for our movie industry.

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